NASA Goddard Space Center On Flickr.
0 comment Friday, April 18, 2014 |
What better way to start Art Catalyst : The Art Of Science, with a showcase of some amazing images from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center flickr page ?
A partial eclipse of the sun by the earth, as seen from a space craft.

The surface of Mercury.

The "Dark Side Of The Moon".

Sunspot Loops In Ultraviolet.

Now, here is where it gets extraordinarily interesting to me as an artist with scientific inclinations.
This is Hinode's High-Resolution view of two sunspots colliding, which looks uncannily like a micro-organism.
It is this universality of circular forms, from the micro to the macro, which is really fascinating.
Currently there are 128 pages on the NASA Flickr Page, full of inspiring and exciting images from the depths of the universe, so get flickering!
