0 comment Sunday, April 13, 2014 | admin
Recently, I have been inspired by the work of Karl Blossfeldt.The images you see here are magnified photographs of real plants.
Karl once said:
"The plant never lapses into mere arid functionalism; it fashions according to logic and suitability, and with its primeval force compels everything to attain the highest artistic form".source

Karl collected botanical specimens throughout his life time, and was keen to photograph the plants in a way that expressed integral structure and natural forms. Blossfeldt photographed nothing but plants for 35 years, now that's focus!
The photographs are a great botanical learning tool, yet are strangely beautiful and compelling.
Personally, I could imagine some of these photographs re-interpreted into sculptures and placed on a Tim Burton animation set.
Karl once said:
"The plant never lapses into mere arid functionalism; it fashions according to logic and suitability, and with its primeval force compels everything to attain the highest artistic form".source

Karl collected botanical specimens throughout his life time, and was keen to photograph the plants in a way that expressed integral structure and natural forms. Blossfeldt photographed nothing but plants for 35 years, now that's focus!
The photographs are a great botanical learning tool, yet are strangely beautiful and compelling.
Personally, I could imagine some of these photographs re-interpreted into sculptures and placed on a Tim Burton animation set.
Labels: Art, Beauty, Botanical, Karl Blossfeldt, Natural, Nature, Photography, Science, Tim Burton