0 comment Sunday, April 13, 2014 | admin

Sometimes, art can just grab me by the throat and leave me astounded.
This is what happened when I discovered Etsuko Ichikawa on the ANTHROPOLOGiST.
I would highly recommend watching the video "IntoTheFire" on the ANTHROPOLOGiST website.
The video is elegantly shot and transfixing.
If you don't want to leave this page, here is an equally engaging video embedded for your convenience.
What you are seeing in this video is Etsuko Ichikawa drawing with molten glass , a balance between performance and drawing to capture the immediacy of the moment.
As a result, the drawings are delightfully expressive.
The process of drawing with molten glass is named as a "Glass Phyrograph"; an example of how experimentation, scientific knowledge of material and self expression can co-exist in art practice.
Labels: Burning, Etsuko Ichikawa, Fire, Glass, Hot, Molten, The Anthropologist, Video